It seems like glass mosaic tiles are everywhere, in most of my design magazines, in the style section of the newspaper and now at Costco. You can't deny their beauty, the way they reflect light, and their texture, but are they a fad or will they endure? I love granite countertops, but it seems like granite has become so mass produced that it is losing it's allure. Will glass mosaics become what granite has become?
One of the problems that I have with design is that homeowners clad their homes with the latest trends and/or cheap thrills that don't match their homes architecture or the original design. I have seen many homes that should have modest clean finishes, but instead they are studded with over the top materials that belong in a villa.
I love natural and organic materials including granite and glass mosaic tiles, I feel that homeowners need to keep in mind the era and design of their homes when they chose their finishes. Glass mosaics look great in moderation, and with anything quality makes a difference.
My clients Mark and Alex who just purchased a contempary condo in the Piedmont Avenue area of Oakland installed glass mosaics in their bathroom, they did it themselves with glass tiles they bought online at CoolTiles.com, even though many designers suggest you use a professional glass tile installer, they had great success. (They have exquisite taste and they are advid do-it-yourselfers)
Let me know what you think, are glass tiles trendy?